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Assignment should be written in Times New Roman, 12-font, double-spaced, style (no spacing).Each student is expected to observe 3 individuals and write a

Assignment should be written in Times New Roman, 12-font, double-spaced, style (no spacing).Each student is expected to observe 3 individuals and write a one page paper for each observation based on their findings. The interview should be about 30 minutes to 1 hour. The interviewer (you) should observe the interviewee (client) in his/her natural setting and record findings from that observation. You must choose your 3 subjects from thefollowing stages of development: early childhood (2-9), middle years (10-12), adolescent years (13-20), young adult years (20-40), middle-age adult years (40-60), young-old adult years (60-80), and old-old adult years (80 +). During the interview the student will assess the social, cognitive, socio-emotional, etc., developmental levels and functioning of theindividual. The student will also describe the person’s current period of development as well as any developmental milestones, delays or problems experienced during their life span.

The names and ages I would like to use are Kelli (40), JaKelia 29, and Keagon (7).

PLEASE DO NOT plagiarism AND provide a plagiarism report. THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE ATTACHED IN FILES

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