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Can you assist with a response using a 200-word minimum with Nursing Assignment Help

Can you assist with a response using a 200-word minimum with two references to case study response below? 

    Mr. J.R. is a 73-year-old male who was admitted to the hospital for gastroenteritis and possible renal injury.  The patient presented to the emergency room with a chief complaint of having a fever of 100.5, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea x48 hours, weakness, dizziness, and a metallic taste in his mouth, and described having five to six watery stools for one day.  He states this began two days ago after eating burritos from a fast-food restaurant. The patient stated to take Pepto-Bismol at home, which then made him feel “achy and warm” afterward.  He also states he has been unable to tolerate solid foods or liquids for one day.  The patient presents pale and diaphoretic.

 Possible Types of Acute Kidney Injury          

The possible types of acute kidney injury (AKI) Mr. J.R. presents to the hospital based on his clinical manifestations are prerenal conditions and intrarenal conditions.  The prerenal conditions could be caused by low blood volume due to dehydration or sepsis.  Mr. J.R. complained of having a fever and gastroenteritis, which is the source of infection.  These are sepsis protocol criteria.  The patient states he has had nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea for two days with watery stools, weakness, dizziness, paleness, diaphoretic, and inability to eat or drink for over 24 hours, which could all be causing dehydration.           The intrarenal conditions could be caused by toxic injury due to heavy metals, glomerulonephritis, or hemolytic uremic syndrome.  The clinical manifestations to support these causes are patients presenting with dehydration, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, metallic taste in their mouth and feeling diaphoretic, pale, and weak.  The patient also started to have these symptoms after he ate meat from a fast-food restaurant. Complications of a diarrhea infection such as E. coli could cause hemolytic ureic syndrome.  This infection could have been ingested by mouth through food.  Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the filtering part of the kidneys.  This causes toxins, metabolic wastes, and fluids not to be filtered in the urine properly and usually sit I the bloodstream.  This can cause the patient to have a metallic taste in his mouth.  Toxic injury is due to heavy metals such as lead which can be ingested through food as well. 

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