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Can you help with a min 200-word response, with reference Nursing Assignment Help

Can you help with a min 200-word response, with reference APA format to: 

  1. Triggers for psoriasis and the different clinical types.

Psoriasis manifests as an autoimmune condition resulting in rubified, pruritic, scaling dermatitis. This chronic disease progresses cyclically between exacerbations and quiescent periods. The most prevalent variant, plaque psoriasis, presents with elevated erythematous papules exhibiting argentous squamae. Possible triggers precipitating psoriatic flares include stressors, infections, specific pharmacological agents, trauma to the integument, and alcohol overindulgence. Diverse therapeutic modalities exist for psoriasis, spanning topical corticosteroids and vitamin D analogs, phototherapy utilising ultraviolet radiation, systemic immunomodulatory medications, and biological inhibitors of proinflammatory cytokines.

Triggers and Clinical Types The most common triggers for psoriasis flares are stress, viral and bacterial infections, medications like lithium, beta blockers, antimalarial drugs, and NSAIDs, injury to the skin, smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, and obesity (Dhabale & Nagpure, 2022). The different clinical types of psoriasis include plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular, erythrodermic, and nail psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is the most common, presenting as raised, red lesions with a silver-white scale. Guttate appears as small, dot-like lesions. Inverse or flexural psoriasis forms in the folds of the skin near joints (Dhabale & Nagpure, 2022). Pustular psoriasis presents with white pus-filled blisters. Erythrodermic psoriasis involves widespread redness and shedding. Nail psoriasis causes pitting, thickness, and discolouration of nails.

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