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 can you make 3 to four slides presentation discussing objetives part budgeting  and evaluation about tim horton  Objectives: The project objectives will

 can you make 3 to four slides presentation discussing objetives part budgeting  and evaluation about tim horton 


The project objectives will define a specific campaign goal related to the introduction of a new product offering to the market with an extension in both trial use rates and customer approval metrics. Impartial quantitative measurements will be established to gauge accomplishment of objectives within a specified time frame.


This section aims to discuss budgeting methodology with consideration given to campaign scale/resources. Proposed amounts are to be defined through the objective and task approach which is expected to tie achievement of project goals to monetary values.

Message Strategy:

The message strategy portion of the study seeks to establish not only which key messages that align with Tim Hortons’ brand value are to be demonstrated through this plan, but further how these messages will be conveyed to maximize effectiveness.


The final evaluation section of the report will explain the criteria strategy to be implemented for measurement of project success, including the specific metrics/methods to be undertaken. Further, alternative plans concerning consequences and contingencies given varying project outcomes will be summarized.

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