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Case/Module 2  MGT509 Human Resource Management               Job Analysis; Staffing; EEO; Diversity Case Assignment Address the following questions in an

Case/Module 2 

MGT509 Human Resource Management              

Job Analysis; Staffing; EEO; Diversity

Case Assignment

Address the following questions in an essay format which includes an introduction and conclusion (not a Q & A format):

·       How your employer reduces labor costs and still save as many jobs as possible?

·       How might up-to-date job analysis information aid your employer in determining how to reduce labor costs?

·       Discuss the short-term and long-term implications of downsizing.  Be sure to also discuss possible EEO issues that may occur in downsizing. 

Introduce information from at least 2 sources from the Trident Online Library to help strengthen and validate your discussion.

When possible, provide private-sector employer examples of HRM programs, systems, processes, and/or procedures as you address the assignment requirements. Provide names of the employers. Use different employer examples in this course than what has been used previously in your other papers and courses.

Paper length: 4 pages (not counting the cover and reference pages).

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