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COMM1010: Communication at WorkUnit 4 Touchstone Template: Plan and Communicate a Time-Based TaskStudent

COMM1010: Communication at Work

Unit 4 Touchstone Template: Plan and Communicate a Time-Based Task

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STEP 1: Review the scenario and email message from your manager.

STEP 2: Write an email message to the customer (no more than two body paragraphs) that informs them about the new delivery date and the refund to compensate for the inconvenience. Your message should be limited to no more than 12 sentences or 200 words. Use the following email template.


Subject Line

Enter the subject line of your email. It should convey the central point of your message.

Greeting: Enter the greeting for your email

First paragraph: Tell your reader why you’re writing this email, using professional wording. Provide background information.

Second paragraph: Provide the main information for your email. What is it you want to explain or accomplish?

Ending paragraph: Provide a conclusion for your email.

Closing: Create your closing.

Signature: Type your name for your signature.

STEP 3: Review your message to ensure that:

· It includes information relevant for the customer, including the purpose of the email and how the errors will be addressed.

· It emphasizes important points using style mechanics common in professional writing.

· It uses professional language and tone appropriate for a response to an important customer.


STEP 1: Review the scenario and email message from your manager. Also review the to-do items that need to be completed and their deadlines in the chart below.



Due Date


Inform customer

Email Renee Colon


To do

Inform relevant departments

Contact Accounts Receivable (AR)

Monday (end of day)

To do

Contact Shipping

Monday (end of day)

To do

Refund customer

AR issues refund to customer


To do

AR does not charge for replacement


To do

AR send confirmation to customer


To do

Ship replacement package

Package is expedited


To do

Tracking info sent to customer


To do

STEP 2: Based on this information, you will need to communicate an internal plan regarding the refund and redelivery of the shipment by drafting a message to your colleagues in the Accounts Receivable and Shipping Departments. Your message should clearly identify who has what task and the time frame for completion.

Select an appropriate tool from the following list to communicate this message to your colleagues. Explain why this would be an effective tool for this purpose.

Tool Options (Select one):

· Chat message (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams)

· Email (e.g., Microsoft Outlook)

· Video Message (e.g., Webex, Zoom)

· Text message (e.g., Android of iOS text messaging)

· Voicemail (e.g., Conference phone, cell phones / smartphones, Google Voice)

Tool Selected

Why is this an effective tool for the purpose of the message?

STEP 3: Use the following template to construct your message. Format it appropriately for the tool you have selected. If you selected a video message or voicemail tool, provide a written transcript of your message below. Your message should be limited to no more than 12 sentences or 200 words.


STEP 4: Review your message and make edits to ensure that:

· It clearly identifies who has what to-do item and by what time it needs to be completed.

· It emphasizes important points.

· It uses professional language and tone appropriate for internal communication with coworkers.

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