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HEART TRANSPLANT DILEMMA People encounter numerous ethical dilemmas, both personally and professionally, throughout their lifetime. However, very few take the


People encounter numerous ethical dilemmas, both personally and professionally, throughout their lifetime. However, very few take the time to understand how their underlying values and biases may drive their ethical decision-making. Uncovering these values and biases is useful for developing ethical competence and cultural humility, two important aspects of this course. 

In this Discussion, you will respond to an ethical dilemma involving potential recipients for a heart transplant. It is important that you respond based on your “gut” reaction rather than adhering to any particular ethical code or standards. The purpose of this Discussion is to gain a greater awareness of how your values and biases guide your decisions. 


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



· Review your Course Announcements for possible information related to this week’s Discussion and Assignment.

· Read the “Heart Transplant Ethical Dilemma.”

· Identify five patients you believe should receive the heart transplant and make note of your reasoning. Keep in mind that that there is no right answer.

· After you have identified the five patients you believe should receive the heart transplant, review the Learning Resources on values, biases, and ethical decision-making. Reflect on how your values and biases may have influenced your response to the heart transplant dilemma.


Post the five patients you believe should receive the heart transplant and explain your reasoning. Be sure to include the criteria you used to determine who should receive the transplant.

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