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I need someone to complete 2 lesson plans one for science and the other for math. Do you understand my instructions?A. Lesson Plans (40

I need someone to complete 2 lesson plans one for science and the other for math. Do you understand my instructions?

Lesson Plans (40 points) – FINAL Due: April 15

Math Lesson Plan (20 points): Pick a topic which aligns with two or more domains in the GELDS or GaDoe Kindergarten (one age group/ developmental stage specific
math standard from the

GELDS Cognitive Development and General Knowledge domain and Math Subdomain

Kindergarten Georgia Math Standards
is required). Create a whole-group or small-group mathematics lesson. 

Science Lesson Plan (20 points): Pick a topic which aligns with two or more domains in the GELDS or GaDoe Kindergarten (one age group/ developmental stage specific
science standard from the

GELDS Cognitive Development and General Knowledge domain and Science Subdomain

Kindergarten Science Georgia Standards of Excellence
is required). Create a whole-group or small-group science lesson. 

You will prepare and submit two lesson plans for each content category listed above. Both lesson plans are due April 15th at 11:59 pm. Each lesson plan should be no more than 2-3 pages long (single or double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font).

Each lesson plan will include the following:

Your name:

Teaching Topic:

· List the specific math or science topic that this lesson will cover

Age group:

· Select a target age group between 3-5 years old (preschool – Kindergarten).

Teaching objectives:

· Describe, specifically, WHAT you want to teach in this lesson

Teaching rationale:

· Describe, clearly, WHY your teaching objective is important for children to learn

· For example, how is the content mentioned in the objective important for life long skills and/or academic development?

Teaching standards:

· Find at least 1 standard that aligns with your Topic and Objective (you are welcome to include as many relevant standards as needed)

· Write out the age/grade specific standard code and full standard description or indicator (ex.
CD-SC2.3C: Asks questions/shows curiosity about objects in the sky and describes appropriate daytime and nighttime activities.)

· The following websites can be used to find relevant GA standards by age/grade

· Preschool-PreK:

· Kindergarten:

Step by step teaching plan:

· Clearly organize your plan in chronological order (step 1..step 2.. step 3…)

· For your

lesson plan, include
target math vocabulary that will be taught/used in the lesson. Provide specific examples for how a teacher should use the target vocabulary (ex. Simple definitions or open-ended questions).

· For your

lesson plan, include steps for how to engage children in
the process of science/inquiry skills to ensure that they get hands-on experience with the target content.

· Remember that process/inquiry skills are the scientific skills and methods that are used across content areas to gain knowledge. At least 1 developmentally appropriate process/inquiry skill should be
included and labeled in your science lesson plan

· Preschool/PreK process skills can be found on the GELDS website under Subdomains – Science -> Strands – Scientific Skills and Methods

· Kindergarten process/inquiry skills can be

found in this document
under the K-2 sections


· How would you know what children have learned?

· For example, what will you observe during the lesson to understand where children are on the developmental progression? What questions would you ask that require children to think out loud and describe their knowledge or problem solving skills?


· List all materials you plan to use

Your name:

Teaching topic:

Age group:



Teaching objective:


Teaching rationale:


Teaching standards:


Teaching plan:






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