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Importance of Strategy AssignmentChoose one business or organization in your local community with which you are familiar. Describe the

Importance of Strategy Assignment

Choose one business or organization in your local community with which you are familiar. Describe the twenty-first-century competitive landscape to them, and ask for their feedback about how they anticipate the landscape will affect their operations during the next five years. Consider the following questions in your conversation with the business or organization member. 

· Does their strategy and decision making set them apart from rivals? 

· Does their strategy pass the three tests of a winning strategy?

· What are some of the critical ethical challenges facing the business or organization?

· Does the strategy and decision making seem to be keyed to a cost-based advantage, differentiating features, serving the unique needs of a niche, or some combination of these?

Write a 3-page paper, with APA citations which includes 2 scholarly references.

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