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In this paper, the student will provide a detailed Nursing Assignment Help

In this paper, the student will provide a detailed description of the relationship between the category from the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint, the priority concept (BASIC CARE AND COMFORT) selected based on assessment performance, and professional practice.  

   1) Write a 4–6-page paper (not including the title page or reference page) using APA format.  

   2) Include the following sections:

       a. Introduction – 12 points/10%.  

   • Offer a detailed description of the purpose statement for the paper.

   • Identify the priority concept (topic) from the Clinical Judgment Readiness Exam and align to one of the four (4) main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint:

       a. Assurance of a safe and effective care environment

       b. Health promotion and maintenance of health

       c. Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity

       d. Preservation of the patient population’s physiological integrity

   • Provide a detailed description of the relationship between the category from the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint and the priority concept (topic).

   • This section should not exceed two (2) paragraphs. A paragraph is 3-5 sentences.

       b. Importance – 12 points/10%

   • Describe the primary importance of the priority concept (topic) to professional practice.

   • Describe the importance of the priority concept (topic) to the health status of a patient population.  

   • Include 2 potential negative effect(s) to professional practice if the priority concept (topic) is unresolved.  

   • Include 2 potential negative effect(s) to the patient population if the priority concept (topic) is unresolved.  

   • Provide appropriate, adequate, and relevant scholarly support for this section.

       c. Healthcare Disparities, Inequalities, and Interventions – 30 points/ 25%

            Identify a primary patient population that may be negatively influenced by the priority concept (topic) if unresolved.

            Identify a healthcare resource to support evidence-based professional practice related to the priority concept (topic).

            Summarize potential priority concept (topic) healthcare disparities and inequalities related to diverse populations.

            Propose an evidence-based solution for the priority concept (topic) related to healthcare disparities.

            Identify an evidence-based practice intervention.  

            Discuss patient education considerations related to the priority concept (topic).  

            Provide appropriate, adequate, and relevant scholarly support for this section.  

       d. Legal & Ethical Considerations and Intervention Challenges – 18 points/ 15%

            Identify one (1) ethical and one (1) legal implication for addressing the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.

            Discuss one (1) strategy in prevention of an ethical dilemma related to the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.  

            Discuss one (1) strategy in prevention of legal consequences related to the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.  

            Identify one (1) anticipated challenge to the success of preventing the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.

            Identify one (1) anticipated challenge to the success of resolving the priority concept (topic) in professional practice.

            Provide appropriate, adequate, and relevant scholarly support for this section.  

       e. Participants and Interdisciplinary Approach – 12 points/10%

            Identify three (3) parties (identify two (2) members of a discipline outside of nursing) who will be involved in the implementation of the priority concept (topic) interventions.

            Discuss the role of these member in the intervention implementation for the priority concept (topic).

            Discuss the benefit of including the identified interdisciplinary members from disciplines outside nursing to promote evidence-based professional practice.

            Provide appropriate, adequate, and relevant scholarly support for this section.  

       f. Quality Improvement – 12 points/10%

            Provide at least one (1) benefit in patient outcomes from addressing the priority concept (topic) within the clinical environment.

            Provide at least one (1) benefit to the nursing profession that will result from addressing this priority concept (topic) in clinical professional practice.

            Discuss at least one (1) resource utilized to promote improved patient outcomes in the clinical environment.

            Discuss at least one (1) resource utilized to increase professional nurse knowledge promoting improved clinical professional practice.

            Provide appropriate, adequate, and relevant scholarly support for this section.  

       g. Conclusion – 12 points/10%  

            Provide a thorough recap of the purpose to promote increased evidence-based professional practice knowledge related to the priority concept (topic) deficiency.

            Summarize resources identified to support improved evidence-based professional practice related to the priority concept (topic).  

            Include a complete statement describing why addressing the priority concept (topic) matters for patient outcomes and evidence-based professional practice.  

            This section should provide no new information and should be limited to 1-2 paragraphs.

       h. APA Style and Organization 12 points/10%

            References are submitted with paper.  

            Uses current APA format and is free of errors.

            Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.

            Paper is 4-6 pages, excluding title and reference pages.

            A minimum of three (3) scholarly, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided.  including adding this Reference:  

“National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (2023). 2023 NCLEX-RN Test Plan. https://www.ncsbn.org/publications/2023-nclex-rn-test-plan”

            Each section should have a cited source to support information provided.

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