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IT 226 Module One Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview Business and STEM leaders have repeatedly stated that learning to communicate well is a key skill

IT 226 Module One Activity Guidelines and Rubric


Business and STEM leaders have repeatedly stated that learning to communicate well is a key skill needed to be successful (Jensen, 2012). “Research carried out by the Carnegie Institute of Technology shows that 85 percent of your financial success is due to . . . your personality and ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead . . . only 15 percent is due to technical knowledge” (Nelson, n.d.).


To complete this activity, write a short paper based on the claim that information technology professionals should excel in their communication skills.

In your paper:

· Define academic, professional, and technical communication in your own words, using at least two examples.

· Discuss whether you believe the ability to communicate well is the most important skill for a STEM professional to learn.

Resources are not required, but any resources used must be appropriately cited using APA style. While all course materials are valuable resources for this project, the following resource may directly help support your work on this project:

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