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Module 1:  Discussion Forum: ProbabilityInstructions After reading the module, participate and 

Module 1: 
Discussion Forum: Probability


After reading the module, participate and 
comment on the following.

1. Introduce yourself to your instructor and classmates. Make sure to include the following:

· Indicate the academic program in which you are enrolled.

· Explain why you decided to enroll in this program.

2. Provide an example of how would you apply probability in your future career.  Elaborate in at least one topic covered in this module.

General Instructions for the Discussion Forum

1. Post your answer as established by your instructor on the course calendar. Your comments must be written in your own words. You can offer examples and quotes to support your proposals. Citations of other authors must be properly documented (author’s name, title, date, etc.).

2. Post your comments to the response of at least two (2) of your classmates on or before the day set by your instructor on the course calendar. Your reaction may be based on personal experiences, study material, or additional information obtained from the 

Online Library
 or others, and may include:

· Some understanding received from what is published that synthesizes the information and offers new perspectives or suggestions.

· The validation or rejection of the idea (supported by your experience or research). 

· New information that broadens, adds or contrasts perspectives (based on reading and evidence). 

3. Remember that your work must be original and must not contain material copied from books or the internet. You must respect the intellectual property of the authors and not commit plagiarism.

4. Examine the criteria used to evaluate your assignment to find out how to get the highest grade for your work. The assignments are graded or evaluated through rubrics or by the distribution of points.

5. Before submitting your entry, read your message several times. This will ensure that it contains the exact information you want to communicate.


Remember to review the 

academic expectations
 for your submission.

Submission Instructions:

· Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday.  

· Contribute a minimum of 350 words for your initial post. It should include at least 2 academic sources, formatted and cited in APA.

· Respond to at least two of your classmates’ discussion posts by 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday. Ask a question, and provide a different viewpoint.


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