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Need this expanded 4Security Recommendations ReportsTung NkengazongSecurity

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Security Recommendations Reports

Tung Nkengazong

Security Recommendations Reports

The critical security challenges of BRI require a comprehensive security strategy that is multi-dimensional in approach. In the first place, BRI needs to enhance controls over-identification and authentication. Adoption of multi-factor authentication (MFA) will drastically reduce the likelihood of unauthorized access (Almadani et al., 2023). Besides, stringent password policies with longer passwords and an expiration date will add more strength to its security quotient. Implementing role-based access control ensures that users have only those particular access privileges, thus minimizing the risks associated with excessive privileges that may lead to potential breaches.

Secondly, authorization controls should be refined to ensure users have only the necessary access privileges. RBAC will allow access restriction to users based on job designation and responsibilities, reducing the chance of data breaches because of excess permissions. Separate accounts for database administration operations will increase transparency and accountability, preventing unwanted activity (Omotunde & Ahmed, 2023). Thirdly, data security measures must be substantially enhanced. Data-at-rest encryption will ensure that the information will be safe from unwanted parties, even if there is a physical attack on devices. The encryption should be applied to all data storage facilities, starting with databases and moving to employee gadgets. Upgrading ancient WEP standards to more secure Wi-Fi protocols like WPA3 will reduce risks because of network vulnerabilities. Regular security audits and continuous monitoring for potential intrusions or anomalies should be standard practice to swiftly identify and respond to threats.

Attention should also be given to both physical security and incident response plans. Ensuring access to secure areas with access privileges revoked promptly upon an employee’s termination will avoid unauthorized physical access. Comprehensive incident recovery plans must be developed and maintained to prepare BRI on how to respond effectively against security breaches and thereby reduce the potential for downtime or data loss (NIST, 2021). Details on how the company will contain an infection by malware, recover data, and communicate during a security incident should be included.

Lastly, end-user security should be prioritized to ensure that the prohibition on using private email for official communication and the restriction on public cloud services in storing confidential information reduces the risk of data leakage (Dawood et al., 2023). Continual background verification and tight policies for handling classified information will further ward off insider threats. By implementing all of these recommendations, BRI will improve its security and defend its essential operations from emerging risks.


Almadani, M. S., Alotaibi, S., Alsobhi, H., Hussain, O. K., & Hussain, F. K. (2023). Blockchain-based multi-factor authentication: A systematic literature review.
Internet of Things, 100844–100844.

Dawood, M., Tu, S., Xiao, C., Alasmary, H., Waqas, M., & Rehman, S. U. (2023). Cyberattacks and security of cloud computing: a complete guideline.
15(11), 1981. mdpi.

NIST. (2021). Security and privacy controls for federal information systems and organizations.

Omotunde, H., & Ahmed, M. (2023). A comprehensive review of security measures in database systems: assessing authentication, access control, and beyond.
Mesopotamian Journal of CyberSecurity,
2023, 115–133.

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