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OSH 4301· Select one standard discussed in this course. Then, write an essay that addresses the following elements: 

OSH 4301

· Select one standard discussed in this course. Then, write an essay that addresses the following elements: 

1910 Subpart I – Personal Protective Equipment

· Discuss the purpose of the standard, who it affects, and who is excluded. 

· What are the key elements of the standard? 

· Select and summarize a letter of interpretation for the selected standard. 

· List some commonly cited provisions of the standard. 

· Explain ways the selected standard can fit into a safety and health management program. 

· Summarize enforcement procedures for the standard. 

· Create a fictional workplace scenario, and apply the standard. Be creative. Describe a situation in a workplace, and then explain how the standard relates to it and why the standard is important in the situation.

Your essay must include an introduction, and it must flow smoothly from topic to topic. It must be at least four pages in length, using at least two references. One of which should be from the CSU Online Library. All sources must be cited in the text and on the references page using APA Style. 

1910 | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (osha.gov)

Wearing of open-toed shoes in an office environment. | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (osha.gov)

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