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Paper instructions:The constant change in the health care delivery system requires nurses to be flexible in their roles. Flexibility is the key

Paper instructions:

The constant change in the health care delivery system requires nurses to be flexible in their roles. Flexibility is the key to success during periods of change. Professional nurses need to open themselves up to various ideas to arrive at a perspective of health care that enhances nursing practice. Fundamental to this concept is the ability to work in teams. Individuals can only learn some of the required practice today, so the group becomes the focus. The Institute of Medicine emphasizes that teams improve communication, participation, and effectiveness and include inter-professional teams as critical healthcare competencies.

submit a scholarly paper of approximately 5-8 pages, excluding the title page and references. The paper must be well organized using APA 7th ed. format and proper grammar. Please see the grading rubric for more details. 

Students must select from
one of the following topics:

· Acute Myocardial Infarction

· Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)

· Coronary Artery Disease

· Heart Failure

· Diabetes Mellitus

· Diabetes Insipidus

· Deep Vein thrombosis (DVT)

· Asthma

· Alzheimer’s Disease

· Rheumatoid Arthritis

· Pancreatitis

· Hypothyroidism/Hyperthyroidism

· Hypertension

· Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

· Breast Cancer

· Colorectal Cancer

· Prostate Cancer

· Burns

· Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (HIV/AIDS, Lupus Systemic Erythematous)

· Metabolic Syndrome

· Multiple Sclerosis

· Diverticulosis/Diverticulitis

· Renal Failure

· Osteoporosis

· Premenstrual Syndrome

· Seizure Disorders (Epilepsy)

· Down Syndrome

· COVID-19

· Sickle Cell Disease

· Climate Change


Description of paper topic,Analysis and Evaluation of Issues / Problems, Relevant and meaningful references.Use of at least 4-6 peer reviewed, evidence-based research references less than five years oldMechanics and formatting.Utilizes correct grammar and spelling. Uses APA 7th edition format for citation.

Powerpoint presentation instructions:

Once you have completed your scholarly paper, you will create and record a PowerPoint presentation of your selected paper topic.

Presentation Guidelines

1. All presentation slides must be referenced using APA 7th ed. format.

Rubric :

Description of the Presentation TopicPresentation Covers: 1) Etiology, significance of the problem as related across the lifespan. 2) Epidemiology or extend of the problem/disease. 3) Progression/history of the problem/disease. 4) Incidence and prevalence of disease worldwide. 5) Existing prevention. 6) Therapeutic measures (Pharmacological and non- pharmacological). 7) Cultural and socio-cultural considerations. 8) Genetic considerations. 9) Current or future research relevant to the problem/disease


Well organized and creatively displays information on the Powerpoint.

Mechanics and formatting

Utilizes correct grammar and spelling, APA 7th edition format for citations, slides do not exceed twenty (20) slides, including cover/title page and reference slides.

Relevant and meaningful references

Use of at least 4-6 peer reviewed, evidence-based research references less than five years old.

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