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PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW Name__________________________________ HIST 1302- Final ExamInstructions



HIST 1302- Final Exam


Critical Thinking Essay Questions. Provide facts and evidence for each question. 300-word response for each question. 

The exams are divided into 3 UNITS. Each exam will cover a unit. For example, UNIT 1 covers Chapters 1-5. Each exam will have critical thinking essay questions. Each question requires a minimum 100-word response. Answer all questions. For example, if QUESTION 1 has three questions. That’s a total of 300 words. I’ve attached a word document where the questions for the Exam are posted. Submit your file when completed. Your answers will be checked for plagiarism.

Explain how civil rights have expanded over time in the US? Consider the Reconstruction Era, WWII, minority groups, majority groups, state law, and the three branches of government.

What are the prevailing ideas of American freedom in 2021? Think about immigrant rights, abortion, gun laws, LGBTQ? rights, police shootings, state’s rights, internet, war, and of course the Covid -19 pandemic. What is the most important thing you learned in US history?

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