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Purpose To give and receive feedback for our Exploratory EssayLinks to an external site. drafts TaskPart 1 By Monday, April 22nd at 11:59 pm, turn in a


To give and receive feedback for our Exploratory EssayLinks to an external site. drafts

TaskPart 1

By Monday, April 22nd at 11:59 pm, turn in a Discovery Draft for your Exploratory Essay that includes the following elements:

  • an introduction paragraph with a working thesis question
  • at least three body paragraphs that analyze community resources related to your Spark Grant topic (I’ve attached my grant project topic)
  • a Works Cited page with MLA citations

Your Discovery Draft submission should include most of the required elements for the final draft. This will allow your peers to offer useful revision suggestions.

If you cannot submit your draft on time or if you think your draft will need substantial revisions, you must message me to schedule a student hours appointment.

Part 2

The day after you submit your draft, Canvas will assign you 3 of your peers’ first drafts to review. You will have until Wednesday, April 24th at 11:59 pm to complete your peer reviews. For each draft you peer review, you must . . .

  • score the assignment rubric (see the video below for instructions on how to show the rubric)
  • write a 200+ word submission comment that summarizes your peer review. What elements of the draft are working? What is not working or missing? What recommendations do you have for your peer?

Your peer reviews are worth up to 10 of the 20 points for this assignment. 

Please watch and read the following resources on how to complete a peer review in Canvas. I recorded the video a few quarters ago, so the deadlines are different; however, the process of finding and completing peer reviews is the same.

    • What is a Peer Review Assignment?Links to an external site.
    • How do I submit a Peer Review Assignment?Links to an external site

Criteria for Success

Peer reviews should be respectful, detailed and offer constructive feedback that helps the student-writer revise their draft.

Canvas will mark peer reviews as “complete” when you leave your 200+ word peer review as a submission comment AND fill out the rubric.

I recommend typing out your reviews in a separate document and copy and pasting the content into the Canvas submission comments text box or uploading the document file.

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