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revise helpQuestions:6a) For a clearer grasp and to properly justify whether your quantitative variables fall under discrete or continuous

revise help


6a) For a clearer grasp and to properly justify whether your quantitative variables fall under discrete or continuous categories, please refer back to the explanation provided in in-class activity 1C, specifically in the section between questions 2 and 3. This review will enhance your understanding of the concepts.

6b) For a clearer grasp and to properly justify whether your quantitative variables fall under discrete or continuous categories, please refer back to the explanation provided in in-class activity 1C, specifically in the section between questions 2 and 3. This review will enhance your understanding of the concepts.

8H) Do the following here:

1. Describe the 
shape – discussing the 

· overall pattern (i.e., symmetric, uniform, left-skewed or right-skewed), and

· modality – i.e., number of peaks and State the type of modality associated with the number of peaks you identified 

2. Identify 
outliers. Looking at the graphs, are there unusually low values and unusually high values. The boxplot will generally help you to identify the outliers, but when it is not clear, 

You can use IQR to find outliers as follows:

1. Multiply the IQR by 1.5 to get the upper and lower fence values.

2. Add the upper fence value to Q3 and subtract the lower fence value from Q1.

3. Any data point that is above the upper fence or below the lower fence is an outlier.

3. In your explanation make not if this is different than your prediction in part d. 

10) Ok. Generally, I recommend the following:


Use two paragraphs in your summary – one paragraph for each dataset.;

· Clearly explain any contradictions and/or alignment between the summary statistics and the graphs based on the;


· Describe the 
pattern as symmetric, uniform, left-skewed, or right-skewed, using adjectives like slightly etc to qualify the overall pattern that best fits your distribution.

· Identify the 
Modality – as unimodal, bimodal, or multimodal with reference to the highest frequency

Center. Mean, median, and identify the typical value

Spread. based on the minimum value, maximum value, range, and standard deviation

Outliers– identifying unusually low and high values in your datasets.;

Feel free to highlight values that are exceptional or stand out when describing your distributions. 

· Add any additional observations or questions that you have as you move through this project.

14c) Refer to inclass activity 6B Question 2 Part D for a better understanding of the interpretation of the slope. 

14d) You need to identify the y-intercept here. And interpret it. Refer to inclass activity 6B Question 4 Part D for an example. 

14e) Identify the correlation coefficient correctly and Provide an interpretation of the identified correlation Coefficient  

Refer to the table that contains general guidelines for describing the strength of a linear relationship in inclass activity 5A to answer this question. 

14f) The identified value is incorrect. however revise and update the value and its interpretation after swapping the variables.

Provide an interpretation of the stated value of the coefficient of determination. Refer back to the objectives of in-class activity 6C and provide context relevant to your own situation

15) I don’t seem to agree with your response based on the current analysis. However, revise and update your response after swapping the variables. In your revision Consider some of the statistics you described in question 14 and provide a convincing justification for your claim. 

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