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Select 1 well-known business you would like to research and use as the basis for developing a marketing campaign. Refer to the

Select 1 well-known business you would like to research and use as the basis for developing a marketing campaign. Refer to the following resources, as needed, for assistance selecting a business and locating information about it:

· Marketing professional organizations, such as 

4 A’s
 website or 

American Marketing Association


Consider the following during your business selection process:

· The business you select will be used throughout the weekly assignments and summative assessments in this course.

· It will be to your benefit to select a business whose information is easily accessible. While you will base your plan on the actual business, there may be parts of this assignment that will require you to use your knowledge and resources to make an informed plan.

Develop a 350- to 700-word outline for your selected business in which you include the following information that you will use to complete portions of your Week 2 summative assessment:  

· Mission statement

· Vision statement

· Product line description

· Business information, such as the size of the business

· Current target markets

· Current marketing tactics

Cite sources to support your outline.

Format citations and references according to APA guidelines.

Submit your outline.

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