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TEACHER CULTURAL SENSITIVITY SURVEY Follow the instructions  below to complete the Cultural Sensitivity Survey assignment.  Upload the completed work to


Follow the instructions  below to complete the Cultural Sensitivity Survey assignment.  Upload the completed work to CANVAS.  Thanks ! 

Teacher Cultural Sensitivity Survey.  

  1. Develop a cultural sensitivity survey for faculty.  The survey must be a minimum of 10 questions.  Using a likert-style survey is recommended, in order to make it user-friendly for the participants and easier to summarize the data for you.  The first three questions should address the participant’s age, race, and gender.  The remaining questions should address the participant’s feelings and opinions about diversity and addressing it within the school curriculum.  If questions are taken from a commercially-produced survey (or combination of surveys), reference the source(s).
  2. Administer the survey to the faculty at a school or district of your choice (preferably the school that you will use for the final project). The survey is best administered via email contacts to the facultY. It is required that interns receive a 50-75% participation rate among faculty.  This ratio is needed in order to obtain a true picture of the survey results.
  3. Summarize the data into chart or circle graph form.
  4. Analyze the data in a two-three page report, in regard to how you will use the information collected to develop the Professional Development Plan (final project).  50 points.

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