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The Role of Listener Assignment Petersen offered guidance for making sure our listening practices are respectful, non-judgmental, supportive, and constructive

The Role of Listener Assignment

Petersen offered guidance for making sure our listening practices are respectful, non-judgmental, supportive, and constructive (Chapters 14-16). Schultze and Badzinski described the process of attentive listening (Chapter 2). The also provided Bible-based principles for resolving interpersonal conflicts and maintaining relational harmony (Chapter 7-8). Examine yourself as a listener and communication partner in light of this material. 

 Please consider that when citing sources that have no page numbers, such as websites and e-books, you will need to use an alternative locator such as a timestamp, chapter heading, or paragraph number for the direct quote. Here are a few examples: (Field, 2005, para. 1), (Lopes, 2020, section 8.23), and (Shimamura, 2017, Chapter 3). Please view page 264 in the APA Manual and page 15 in the APA Sample Paper for more information about in-text citations without the page number.  



New International Version Bible. (1978). New International Version Bible Online.

         (Original work published 1978)

 Petersen, J. (2022).
Why Don’t We Listen Better? Communicating & Connecting in Relationships (3rd ed.). MBS Content.


Schultze, Q. J., & Badzinski, D. M. (2015).
An essential guide to interpersonal communication: Building great
relationships with faith, skill, and virtue in the age of social

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